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    Our customers

    Companies from numerous industries trust in the technology of WiredMinds.

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    What makes WiredMinds unique

    Data is our DNA

    Intelligent data is at the heart of WiredMinds

    All our solutions are based on unique premium data. In order to meet this requirement, we set the highest standards for data quality, data quantity, data depth and data up-to-dateness. We not only collect data, but also verify and qualify it using self-developed algorithms and artificial intelligence. Because the better the data, the greater the benefit for our customers.

    Experience meets innovation

    We have been supporting companies in their growth for 27 years

    WiredMinds was a pioneer in Europe and is now the leading provider in the field of company identification and web analytics. Our customers benefit from this experience both in the area of consulting and in the use of our solutions. But we are not resting on our laurels: We are continuously developing our solutions with the customer in mind. We always rely on the most innovative technologies.

    101% data protection

    Higher standards than the GDPR

    Data protection is non-negotiable at WiredMinds. All our technologies are regularly checked for legal security by renowned, independent data protection lawyers. We thus guarantee our customers that all data protection requirements are met. In our processes, we set higher standards than the market norm and are stricter in some aspects than required by the GDPR.

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    Ansprachemethoden: Wie Sie Messebesucher erfolgreich ansprechen

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